Family Self-Sufficiency Program

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) created the FSS Program to help Section 8 and Public Housing families achieve economic self-sufficiency.  It is for anyone currently living in Low Rent Public Housing (LRPH) or participating in the Section 8 program.  It is a voluntary program for those who are motivated to become financially and socially self-sufficient.

Participants work in partnership with the FSS Coordinator to develop individual goal plans directed toward increasing their earned income and enabling their family to become (or remain) free from welfare assistance.  The primary goal for families who join FSS is to seek and maintain suitable employment and to become independent of cash welfare assistance, while remaining in good standing with the landlord and the HRA.  After the goals are finalized, participants enter into an agreement with the HRA by signing a five (5) year Contract of Participation.  The goal plan becomes part of the contract, but remains flexible to meet participants’ changing needs.

When a participant’s rent goes up due to an increase in their earned income, part of that rent increase is set aside in an escrow savings account.  Upon successful completion of the contract, participants receive the ENTIRE escrow balance plus accrued interest!

So, are you ready to get started?

It all begins with one phone call.
