
HRA assists its clients with a wide variety of focused services. From High Rise Living to Rental Rehabilitation Assistance, HRA has a program that fits your needs.
- Family Housing Quality housing opportunities throughout the city for income-qualified families.
- High Rise Housing Quality housing opportunities at one of our six high rise buildings throughout Duluth.
- Family Self-Sufficiency Program This unique financial program allows those already participating in one of our programs to work toward financial independence.
- Section 8 Rental Housing Assistance Makes private market rental housing affordable for income-qualified families.
- Single Family & Rental Rehabilitation For income qualified single family homeowners, a deferred loan program for repairing, renovating or retrofitting their home may be available. For landlords with affordable rental apartments, a twenty year (0%) loan may be available for property improvements and or code violations for their rental licensing.
- Home Ownership Opportunities For income qualified applicants, a program designed to preserve homes in priority neighborhoods and give low-income individuals and families the opportunity to purchase a home, which they may not be able to do through traditional mortgage financing.
HUD Income Eligibility Limits
To determine your eligibility, take a look at the following chart of gross annual income based on family size. This will give you a good indication of whether you are eligible for assistance.
(Effective 5/15/2023 and are subject to periodic change)
Family Size | Section 8 | Public Housing & Housing Rehab Assistance |
1 | $31,650 | $50,600 |
2 | $36,150 | $57,800 |
3 | $40,650 | $65,050 |
4 | $45,150 | $72,250 |
5 | $48,800 | $78,050 |
6 | $52,400 | $83,850 |
7 | $56,000 | $89,600 |
8 | $59,600 | $95,400 |
222 E. Second Street
P.O. Box 16900
Duluth, MN 55816
Phone #: 218-529-6300
To place a call to a Minnesota Relay User, dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-627-3529.